The best of ls command

The ls command lists the files in the current directory in alphabetical order, if no directory is specified. This command is extremely useful in gathering information about the details of the files present in a directory. Many other useful information can be displayed using this command. In this article, we would learn about the different options available alongside the ls command. Simple Listing ls This displays the files inside the directory in an alphabetically sorted order in a column format....

July 6, 2021 · 4 min

Search through files using the grep command in linux

The grep command is one of the most powerful commands in Linux. It is used for searching a pattern inside files. The pattern can range from a simple alphabet to a complex regular expression. There are various scenarios where grep can be useful. I will try to list some of them in this post. List all the lines in a file that contain the word grep -i 'hello world' main.txt The -i option is used to ignore case distinctions i....

June 1, 2021 · 3 min